Thursday, February 26, 2009

i need to get in the habit of doing this more often

oh well
lots have been going on
on valentines day we took jonas to the nc museum of life and science
we had a great time
tom and i haven't actually celebrated valentines day since we've been married
awesome huh
but taking jonas to the museum was fun
lots of hands on stuff for him to play with
in the butterfly house a butterfly landed on hayley
but i couldn't find tom with the camera till after it flew away
tom ran his half marathon on sunday
he did good for his first longer distance run
16th in his age group 
120th over all in the men
he finished in 1 hour 35 min 51 sec
7:17 mile time
the guys that came in first through third ran it in 1:06-1:07
they were super speedy
like olympic speedy
all of us are getting over colds
poor hayley can't take any medicine thanks to the recall last year
so she has been really snotty and sniffy
poor baby
she's been extra cranky do to the lack of being able to breath out her nose
i wish a i had a table hockey set
that would be neat