Wednesday, June 17, 2009

one week with out tom down

about 15 to go
every morning jonas wakes up and asks
'where's daddy'
but i'm not worried
he did that when tom was here

hayley can now stand up in both her crib
and her playpen
she had been having trouble with her playpen with it having mesh sides and all
but she figured it out

i've been making her little headbands and bandanas
they're pretty cutes
she gets complemented on them when we go out
so i guess i did a pretty job

i have no idea what to make for dinner tonight
without tom here
thats a pretty big challenge
you wouldn't think cooking for 2 people would be that big of a deal
but tom eats so much and then takes some for lunch the next day
i don't have him to clean up any leftovers
so poor jonas for the past 6 nights has had a side of left over pasta
that i made the last night tom was home
we still have some left
but i can't make him eat anymore

i really want papa johns pizza
maybe when my mom comes down
again we have the problem of tom not eating food here
i don't want half a pizza sitting in the fridge

jonas says he wants pancakes
i think i can do that